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Siatkówka plażowa
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Adidas Sklepy

Polska Siatkówka
Magazyn Siatkówka


Competition Formula

Intercontinental Round: 25 May to 1 July 2007, various cities

The pools

The 16 participating teams are divided into 4 pools of 4 teams. Each pool plays a home-away round robin tournament.

Pool A Pool B Pool C Pool D
Brazil France Russia Bulgaria
Canada U.S.A. Cuba Argentina
Korea Japan Egypt China
Finland Italy Serbia Poland

The Intercontinental rounds take place over six weekends from 25 May to 1 July 2007. Each team plays two matches against the same team on separate days over the same weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). With three rounds at home and three away, there are a total of 12 matches for each team and an overall total of 96 matches in the intercontinental rounds.

Pool rankings

The team rankings per pool are determined by the points total (2 points for a victory, 1 point for a loss) after all matches have been played in the Intercontinental Round. The top-ranked team in each pool qualifies for the final round.

The host team of the final round automatically qualifies for the final round, together with one wild card team designated by the FIVB. The wild card will be chosen among the best second ranked teams. If the host team for the final round is ranked first in its pool, the second ranked team in this pool will qualify for the final round.

In the event of a tie at the end of the Intercontinental Round in the number of points scored by 2 or more teams, the teams will be classified according to the total number of points scored during all sets divided by the total number of points lost.

Final Round: 11 - 15 July 2007, KATOWICE, in Poland

The Final Round will be played over 5 days (10 matches in total).

QUALIFICATION: The organizer, the winner of each pool and a wild card chosen by the FIVB qualify for the final: TOTAL 6 TEAMS. There are two pools of three teams. In each pool, each country play against the other teams of its pool. The best two teams of each pool qualify for the semi-finals. The first ranked team of pool A faces the second ranked team of pool B and the second ranked team of pool A plays against the first ranked team of pool B. On Day 5, there is the final for the 3rd place followed by the Final Match. The two 3rd Place teams of each pool tie for 5th Place.


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MEJ: Polska - Niemcy 0:3

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